


Drawing tribute to Parisians (Source: Courtesy Mathilde Adorno)
Drawing by solidarity to Parisians
(Source: Courtesy of Stefano Cataleo)
USPA NEWS - After the deadly attacks that bereaved Paris, an ink drawing representing an interlaced Eiffel Tower to sign peace and love, went viral on social networks.The slim silhouette of the Eiffel Tower drawn in black ink elegantly background is in the peaceful sign Peace and Love.
Drawing by solidarity to Parisians
Source: Courtesy o Marta Gonzales
THE SOLIDARITY IN TRIBUTE TO VICTIMS OF PARIS ATTACKS SPEAKS OUT BY DESIGNERS SENT FROM WORLDWIDE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the deadly attacks that bereaved Paris, an ink drawing representing an interlaced Eiffel Tower to sign peace and love, went viral on social networks.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The slim silhouette of the Eiffel Tower drawn in black ink elegantly background is in the peaceful sign Peace and Love. Image #PeaceforParis shared with the hashtag went viral on social networks. It has become a symbol of peace and solidarity in the aftermath of the deadly carnage that took place in the night from Friday to Saturday in Paris.------------------------------- The drawing "Peace & Love" posted with the caption "Peace for Paris" has signed by an illustrator from Nantes, Jean Jullien who lives and works in London. He has posted it on his Twitter, Facebook and Instagram on Saturday. Press cartoonists expressed their solidarity with the victims of the attacks against the Terrorist that attacked Paris, on "Black Friday 13th" of November.----------------------------------------------------------------------"Many of you send us your drawings reactions to attacks in Paris November 13, 2015 - Here is a selection, completed by the boards designers. We are fueling this album as events unfold.“ says the newspaper 'Le Monde' while the drawings arrive from around the world, sent in solidarity with Paris, touched by the horror and terror.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These testimonies are also very present on social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. The drawings are multiplying to call to resist against religious fanaticism, which killed 132 people in Paris since Friday November 13th. The final pencil's blow is furtive and loaded of emotion while affichant the symbolic of a clear message to both of peace and a tribute to the victims of the attacks in Paris. A way has both soft and firm as to face barbarism by resistance.------------------- See also article : TERRIBLE MULTIPLE ATTACKS IN PARIS IN STADE OF FRANCE AND BATACLAN THEATRE AT LEAST 40 DEAD - See more at:
Drawing Artist solidarity for Parisians
Source: Courtesy of Greg Olso
Drawing Artist solidarity for Parisians
Source: Courtesy of Elie Beressi
Drawing Artist solidarity for Parisians
Source: Courtesy of Helene Berrier
Drawing Artist solidarity for Parisians
Source: Courtesy of Eleni Koutsoudirou
Drawing Artist solidarity for Parisians
Source: Courtesy of Jubi
Drawing Artist solidarity for Parisians
Source: Courtesy of Linda Mill

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