


Saudi Arabia Flag (Source:
Young Ali Nimr sentenced to death Saudi Arabia
(Source: Courtesy of Amnesty International)
USPA NEWS - The President Hollande addressed Saudi Arabia, today in Brussels (On the occasion of the press conference at the summit of the European Council ) to call for mercy to avoid the death penalty young Ali Nimr, as he had done in the last few months, in case French Serge Atlaaoui condemned in Indonesia.
UN Human Rights Logo
Source: UN
CLEMENCY CALL FROM THE COUNCIL OF THE UN HUMAN RIGHTS-------------------------------------------------------- President Francois Hollande addressed Saudi Arabia, today in Brussels (On the occasion of the press conference at the summit of the European Council ) to call for mercy to avoid the condemnation of the death penalty young Ali Nimr, as he had done in the last few months, in case the French Serge Atlaoui condemned by the Indonesian justice. "I ask Saudi Arabia to halt the execution of the young Ali Al-Nimr in the name of the essential principle that the death penalty should be abolished and that the killings must be prevented." President Hollande Said.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Aged only 21, the young Ali al-Nimr see perhaps for the last time the sun rise because the award may be enforced at any time this week. The father of this young Saudi King on Wednesday called Salman to save the life of his son. The day before, the UN expert on Human Rights called on the Saudi authorities to cancel the execution, expressing harsh criticism about the judicial process that led to his conviction. Ironically by the hazard of calendar, Monday, September 21, Saudi Arabia has been appointed head of an advisory group that provides expert for the Council of the UN Human Rights.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calls also from organisations of human rights, and many countries have increased to prevent this execution by beheading. Faisal Trad, Saudi Arabia´s ambassador in Geneva, has been elected Chair of the UN Human Rights Council panel appointing independent experts. Right: Michael Moller, Director-General of the UN Office at Geneva. The publication of his appointment immediately caused anger among human rights defenders. Françoise Dumont, French president of the League for Human Rights considers that the appointment of Faisal Trad this destination is shocking and scandalous and that it tarnishes the prestige of institutions such as the UN. ee also article : FRENCH PRESIDENT LAUNCHES CALL FOR MERCY FROM INDONESIA NOT TO EXECUTE ATLAOUI CONDEMNED FRENCH IS SENTENCED TO DEATH - See more at:
Death Sentence logo
"FRANCE OPPOSITE TO THE DEATH PENALTY WITHOUT EXCEPTION" SAYS PRESIDENT HOLLANDE "France is opposed to the death penalty. I have always recalled that this position does not vary, knew no exception and for us, everything must be done to stop these executions everywhere, including in Saudi Arabia," the French President said. Knowing that the death penalty was abolished in France in 1981. The abolition of the death penalty in France in 1981 devotes a long battle two centuries old, marked by numerous attempts since the Revolution. The vote of the Badinter law by Parliament on May 9th permanently deletes the guillotine. Source: Indeed on 18 September 1981 by 363 votes against 117, the National Assembly adopted, following two days of debate, the bill abolishing the death penalty, on behalf of the Government, by Robert Badinter, Minister of Justice Minister of justice. Twelve days later, the text is passed in identical terms by the Senate by 160 votes against 126. (Source: . see also article : SAUDI ARABIA TAKES THE LEAD OF A STRATEGIC BODY OF THE COUNCIL OF HUMAN RIGHTS ASSOCIATIONS HAVE RETALIATED FIRMLY - See more at:
French President Hollande and HH Saudi King Salman
Source: Courtesy of Elysee
CONTEXT : ALI NIMR SPENT 4 YEARS IN JAIL ARRESTED BECAUSE OF PROTEST AGAINST THE REGIME IN SAUDI ARABIA-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saudi Arabia is preparing to behead and crucify the young Ali Al-Nimr particularly alarming in a context and make it an example. The country has executed more than 134 people since the beginning of the year. In parallel, Saudi Arabia has just been appointed head of an advisory group that provides expert for the Council of the United Nations Human Rights. "Saudi Arabia can not claim to be part of influential actors of human rights internationally while floating the most basic of human rights in his country," exclaimed Raphael Cheryl-Hazan of the association "EPCM : Together Against the Death Penalty. " Ali Mohammed Al-Nimr was arrested in 2012, at the age of 17, during a manifestation of opposition to the regime in the Shiite region of Qatif. He is accused of belonging to a terrorist organisation. This young Shiite, nephew Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, one of the staunchest opponents of the Saudi regime, was sentenced last year to death by beheading. His appeal was rejected in recent days, it can now be executed at any time.
Eid Mubarak Celebration
THE LUCKY TIMING TO BAD LUCK OF ALI NIMR COULD COINCIDE WITH FESTIVAL EID EL KEBIR WHERE TRADITION OF SOVEREIGN PARDON IS GIVEN TO SOME PRISONERS------------------------------------------------------- Saudi Arabia also reminds those who challenge them on human rights, that it is an independent country and that it does not tolerate any interference in its internal affairs.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saudi Arabia has reason to say that it is an independent country. Admittedly, this is a rich and sovereign kingdom, which is the most holy place of pilgrimage for Muslims worldwide. But being given the character of the context of this young man sentenced to death, the appeal clemency if validated, by not signing the Royal order, would enhance the image of the Kingdom, rather than the reverse firmness.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is hoped that the accidental death of 717 pilgrims dead even today in Mina, in this period of festival of Eid, will bring sweetness and clemency to the King of Saudi as much blood has flowed sufficiently by the tragedy of the hajj. As for the tradition of rulers and heads of state to pardon prisoners, as was the case in other neighbouring countries, this could save the lives of the young Ali Nimr in the name of this holy feast of Eid el Kebir. This gesture of mercy "Rahma" in English, while this sacred festival could save this young man Ali Nimr, but would also honour Saudi Arabia King Salman bin Abdulaziz by a noble gesture and even so attached to the genuine principles of Islam. ---------------------------------------------See also article : MUSLIMS OF FRANCE CELEBRATE THE AID EL KEBIR ON THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 24 THEY ARE 6 MILLION IN FRANCE - See more at: AFP, UN and with Agencies
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