
Nations Take Forward Global Climate Action at 2016 UN Climate Conference

Irreversible Proclamation at COP22

UN Flags COP22 (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
Salaheddine Mezouar President COP22
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - Countries accelerated global climate action across a broad range of areas at the 2016 UN climate change conference as they fast-tracked the political and practical aims of the historic Paris Climate Change Agreement. Multi-billion and multi-million dollar packages of support for clean technologies;
Patricia Espinoza General Secretary UNFCCC
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Countries accelerated global climate action across a broad range of areas at the 2016 UN climate change conference as they fast-tracked the political and practical aims of the historic Paris Climate Change Agreement. Multi-billion and multi-million dollar packages of support for clean technologies; building capacity to report on climate action plans, and initiatives for boosting water and food security in developing countries were also among the many new announcements and initiatives launched. Meanwhile governments set a rapid deadline of 2018 to complete the rule book for operationalizing the Paris Agreement to ensure confidence, cooperation and its success over the years and decades to come. Businesses, investors, cities and local governments also issued new climate change commitments, adding to the thousands announced in the run up to the Paris climate conference last year. For example, a club of subnational governments, the Under2 Coalition, who have committed to reduce their emissions by at least 80 percent by 2020, announced their membership has grown to 165. “¢ The combined GDP of these 165 members is close to $26 trillion ““ a third of the global economy ““ and cover a population of around one billion people living in North America, Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia. The Climate Vulnerable Forum a group of more than 40 vulnerable nations, released a declaration that strengthens the call to limit global temperature rise to as close to 1.5 degrees Celsius as possible. “¢ Their Marrakech Vision commits these countries to various ambitious aims, including achieving 100% renewable energy between 2030 and 2050. Several countries ““ Canada, Germany, Mexico and the United States ““ announced ambitious climate strategies out to 2050, reflecting the long-term goal of the Paris Agreement to achieve climate neutrality and a low-emission world in the second half of the century. Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), said, “The landmark Paris Agreement set the course and the destination for global climate action. Here in Marrakesh, governments underlined that this shift is now urgent, irreversible and unstoppable“. This new era of implementation and action for climate and for sustainable development was captured in the Marrakech Action Proclamation. “I would like to pay tribute to the Government of Morocco and the President of the Conference, Mr. Salaheddine Mezouar, for their remarkable success. COP 22 has been what it needed to be, a COP of action that has accelerated progress under the Paris Agreement across finance, new initiatives, ambition and solidarity between nations and across Continents,“ she said. Mr. Mezouar, President of the 22nd Conference of the Parties (COP 22), said, “The Kingdom of Morocco is fully engaged in the success of this COP and will energetically carry out its role as President. At the outcome of the last fifteen days, our vision has been consolidated and we are working to make concrete progress and to carry out breakthrough actions from now until the end of 2017“. “It will be necessary to respect the commitment of $100 billion dollars from now until 2020. Faced with the magnitude of what is required for dealing with the impacts of climate change, turning billions into trillions is indispensable.  2017 must be the year of large scale projects, of mobilizing finance, and accessing financial facilities that will be necessary for adaptation, “he added. Ms. Espinosa added, “During COP 22, the strength, the support for and the robustness of the Paris Agreement was furthered underlined, with nine more ratifications received at the UN in New York and the promise of many more to come. Nations reaffirmed that the agreement is in their national interests and a key catalyst to a better, more prosperous future for their citizens“.
HM King of Morocco Mohamed VI
Source: COP22/Rahma Sophia Rachdi
H H Princess Lalla Hasna
Source: COP22
HH Prince Albert Of Monaco
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi

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